Events held at Scott County Regional Horse Association.
JUNE 30th - VA State Championship Show - 7 PM
JULY 1st - VA State Championship Show - 6 PM JULY 29th - Moonlight Madness Straightaway - 6 PM AUGUST 5th - Juvenile Trail Ride Natural - Tunnel State Park 2:00 PM Camp Out at Scott County Horse Park after Ride AUGUST 12th - All Youth Show -6 PM
AUGUST 26th - Burley Fest Memorial Show - 6 PM
SEPTEMBER 16th - Reasons For Riding - 6 PM SEPTEMBER 23rd - Juvenile Trail Ride
Dungannon Christmas and Holiday Festival November 18th
Experience The Clinch!
The Clinch River contains more species of fish than any river in Virginia. It supports populations of sport fish like smallmouth bass, spotted bass, rock bass, sunfish, crappie, walleye, musky, freshwater drum, channel catfish, and flathead catfish. It also supports one of only two sauger populations in the state. Largemouth, white, and striped bass are also encountered in low numbers, especially in the lower reaches of the river.